Help When You Can
The I was on a weekend vacation, walking down antique row in south Denver with my wife at about 10:00 Sunday morning. We approached a...

Angels... again
The advertisements on social media seem to be increasing. One of the most popular marketing tools these days is “Angels.” People claiming...

Nonverbal Communication
What is nonverbal communication? Is it face reading? Is it body language? Is it a soul connection on an extra sensory level? The answer...

What Religion Am I?
This is a question I am often asked. I prefer not to be branded or labeled because this is a very complex and touchy subject. For those...

Learning From Dreams
I was awakened at exactly 3:00 this morning from a dream. This was the most vivid and lifelike dream I have ever had other than...

Angels and Spirits and Guides, oh my!
These terms are not mutually exclusive or in my opinion, all that necessary. I believe all energy we use for spirit communication,...

Was it real?
That is the burning question. Was it real? So you finally had a reading. Hopefully you found a genuine medium and had an amazing...

How to find a real psychic medium
For those of us who are legitimate psychic mediums it is an unfortunate consequence. There are fakes out there. Without actually...