Lemons and Lemonade
Let's face it, grieving is difficult at best. The questions of why and what if are persistent. The final days, hours and minutes of your...

Touching Base
Aside from my psychic medium and spiritual life coaching sessions, I have been busy finishing my second book and starting my third book....

Walk with the Broken
“You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him.” -Malcolm Forbes As spiritual intuitives...

The Day After
This has been perhaps the most polarizing election of our time. Whether or not your preferred candidates were victorious, we have a long...

Three Years
Today, November 1, 2016 is exactly three years from the passing of my youngest son. The journey I embarked on that day has taken me...

Heaven and Angels
It seems that lately the catchy marketing terms for selling books and seminars are “heaven” and “angels.” I understand the logic. There...

What Do You Want To Hear?
People tend to migrate toward those who tell them what they want to hear. Whether religion, politics, sports and yes, even spirituality,...

Numbers, Stars and Guidance
More specifically, astrology and numerology. Most have heard of an astrologist and a numerologist, some have had an experience with one....

If you follow spiritual pages on social media, you have seen the ads. The ads that claim that you too, can have abundance through...

You Can't Escape
That nagging feeling that something just isn’t right. There is something you should be doing. A path you should be following. Unusual...